1. Symphony No.5 (1917-20/31)
Symphony No. 7 (1925-26/30-32)
By Tordenskjold in Holmen’s Church
2. Maestoso fiero sostenuto
3. Allegro moderato maestoso – Tranquillamente – Moderato
4. Fiorito
5. Finale: Allegro
Symphony No. 9 (1942)
From the Town of Queen Dagmar
6. Queen Dagmar sails to Ribe: Molto allegro
7. The Dance at Riberhus: Grandezza
8. Ribe Cathedral
9. The Turbulent Life of Times Past: Molto allegro
Rued Langgaard ©
In December 1917 Langgaard commenced work on a large-scale orchestral work which was completed the year after and given the title “Summer Legend’s Drama”.
This title was retained for the first performance in 1919, but later on Langgaard decided to rename it and it became “But a Saga” (BVN 140).
In 1926 the work was revised; this first revision is a separate work known as “Symphony no. 5. 1st version” (BVN 191). For during the summer of 1931 Langgaard returned to the symphony and reworked the main section with ideas from certain excerpts from the orchestral piece “Symphonic Festival Piece” (BVN 166), plus a new middle section and coda. The result was the present 5th symphony, 2nd version.
The symphony, one of the nine singlemovement symphonies derives its name from a poem by Thor Lange: “Steppe”.
The first stanza reads, “Out flying, where the sky and earth are as one; Where nature has no boundary to mark; But where thc steppe stretches as far as wide as an endless grief, unbounded”.
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