Northern German Organ Music
Dietrich Buxtehude
1. Passacaglia d-minor
2. Prelude and Fugue F-Major
3. Prelude, Fugue and Ciacona C-Major
Vincent Lübeck
4. Prelude and Fugue E-Major
5. Prelude and Fugue d-minor
Georg Böhm
6. Prelude and Fugue C-Major
Nicolaus Bruhns
7. Prelude and Fugue e-minor
8. Prelude and Fugue g-minor
Dietrich Buxtehude
9. Chorale Setting (Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag)
Johann Nicolaus Hanff
Chorale Settings
10. Auf meinem lieben Gott
11. Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott
Danziger Organ Music
Friedrich Christian Mohrheim
Chorale Settings
12. Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott
13. Jesu, der du meine Seele
14. Trio III g-minor
Danziger Tabulatur (1591)
15. Vater unser im Himmelreich
16. Deus in adjutorium (Lasso)
Die Buxtehude Organ in Torrlösa, Sweden
Dietrich Buxtehude
17. Ciacona e-minor
Northern German and Danziger Organ Music ©
Dietrich Buxtehude ( 1637-1707)
Buxtehude is widely recognised as Nonh Gemany’s leading exponent of the baroque organ. His imaginatir e
range and sovereign disdain for convention never fail to impress. Buxtehude’s career as organist and composer
was spent in Helsingborg, Elsinore and Liibeck.
Yincent Liibeck ( 1654-1740)
Liibeck was organist in Stade and Hamburg. So few of his organ works are extant that it is impossible to make
m accurrtea ssesrmenol f his qualitl as r composer
Georg Biihm (1661- I 733)
Bijhm was appointed organist at the Johanniskirche in Liineburg in 1698 and remained in this post until his
death. Little is know about his life prior to | 698. In his few surviving works, Btihm reveals himself as a mediator
between the late 17th century and Bach.
Nicolaus Bruhns ( I 665- I 697)
Bruhns began to take lessons from Buxtehude at the age of sixteen and became his favourite pupil. After a f-ew
undocumented years spent in Copenhagen, he became organist in the cathedral at Husum at the age of twentythree.
In addition to being an impressive performer of the organ he was also a gifted violinist.
Johann Nicolaus HantT (.1665-11 lll12)
Hanff was bom in the same year as Nicolaus Bruhns. Until he died in l7l1l12 he was organist at the cathedral
of Schleswig.
Friedrich Christian Mohrheim (1718-1780)
Mohrheim was conductor at Danzig. From 1733 to 1736 he was a student in the “Thomas School” at Leipzig
and a singer in the “Thomaner Choir” which was leaded by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Danziger Tabulatur (1591)
Both compositions belong to the eldest collection of organ music from Danzig.
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