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Herman D. Koppel
CD 1
Moses, Op. 76
1. Pt. 1, “The Creation, the Fall”: I. Men en tåge vældede op af jorden
2. Pt. 1, “The Creation, the Fall”: II. Og af ribbenet, som Gud Herren havde taget af Adam
3. Pt. 1, “The Creation, the Fall”: III. Kys mig, giv mig kys af din mund
4. Pt. 1, “The Creation, the Fall”: IV. Til kvinden sagde han
5. Pt. 1, “The Creation, the Fall”: V. Herre, revs mig ej i din vrede, tugt mig ej i din harme!
6. Pt. 1, “The Trial of Abraham by God”: VI. Og Abraham greb kniven
7. Pt. 1, “The Trial of Abraham by God”: VII. Hvo kan gå op på Herrens bjerg
8. Pt. 1, “Songs of the Israelites and Moses to the Lord, the Stone Tables, the Golden Calf”: VIII. Ved den lejlighed sang Moses
9. Pt. 1, “Songs of the Israelites and Moses to the Lord, the Stone Tables, the Golden Calf”: IX. Så førte Moses folket fra lejren hen for Gud
10. Pt. 1, “Songs of the Israelites and Moses to the Lord, the Stone Tables, the Golden Calf”: X. Og skyen indhyldede Sinaj bjerg i seks dage
11. Pt. 1, “Songs of the Israelites and Moses to the Lord, the Stone Tables, the Golden Calf”: XI. Da han nu var færdig med at tale til Moses på Sinaj bjerg
12. Pt. 1, “Songs of the Israelites and Moses to the Lord, the Stone Tables, the Golden Calf”: XII. Derpå vendte Moses tilbage
13. Pt. 1, “Songs of the Israelites and Moses to the Lord, the Stone Tables, the Golden Calf”: XIII. Lad os ransage, granske vore veje og vende os til Herren
14. Pt. 2, “Lament of the Israelites in the Desert, Prophecy of the Promised Land”: XIV. Da opløftede hele menigheden sin røst
15. Pt. 2, “Lament of the Israelites in the Desert, Prophecy of the Promised Land”: XV. “Eders små børn…”
16. Pt. 2, “Lament of the Israelites in the Desert, Prophecy of the Promised Land”: XVI. Herrens lov er fuldkommen
17. Pt. 2, “The Curse and Blessing of Moses”: XVII. Men hvis du ikke adlyder Herren
18. Pt. 2, “The Curse and Blessing of Moses”: XVIII. Men dersom du adlyder Herren
19. Pt. 2, “The Curse and Blessing of Moses”: XIX. Du stærke, hvi bryster du dig
20. Pt. 2, “The Song of Moses, the Death of Moses, the Praise of the Lord after the Funeral Music, Hallelujah”: XX. Da skrev Moses på denne dag
21. Pt. 2, “The Song of Moses, the Death of Moses, the Praise of the Lord after the Funeral Music, Hallelujah”: XXI. Derpå steg Moses fra Moabs sletter
22. Pt. 2, “The Song of Moses, the Death of Moses, the Praise of the Lord after the Funeral Music, Hallelujah”: XXII. Jubler i Herren, I retfærdige
23. Pt. 2, “The Song of Moses, the Death of Moses, the Praise of the Lord after the Funeral Music, Hallelujah”: XXIII. Halleluja! Lovsyng Herren

Two Songs, Op. 75
24. Sort ung pige
25. Jødepigen fra Maidanek

Two Songs, Op. 108
26. Meeting At Night
27. Music

CD 2
1. Gammel Dans

Årstiderne, Op. 65
2. Valborgs Nat
3. Grøn Skov
4. Høstsuk
5. Undergang
6. Nytårsnat
7. Lærken
8. Forår

50 Short Pieces for the Piano, Op. 99
9. Morgenstund
10. Stædighed
11. Klagesang
12. Gymnasten
13. Det travle lokomotiv
14. Den store elefant danser
15. Den gamle bil
16. Leg med dukken
17. Det svære regnestykke
18. Dinosaurus
19. Aften
20. Maskine
21. Leg med xylofon
22. Den lille hund
23. Tvivl
24. Hypnose
25. Flid
26. Lille alvorlig march
27. Mærkelig lyd
28. Lille øvelse
29. Den melankolske
30. Omtrent som en saxofon
31. Drillepinden
32. Toget
33. Den højtidelige
34. Om at være bange
35. Om at være nervøs
36. Fuglene
37. En maskine til
38. Hellig dans
39. Lille tryllekunst
40. En anden slags maskine
41. Herren er min hyrde
42. Den store (og sidste) maskine
43. Frem –
44. – og tilbage
45. Små klokker
46. Præludium
47. God nat
48. Blå dans
49. Leg med rytmer
50. Overraskelse
51. Klovnen
52. Store klokker
53. Leg med kvinter
54. Ude at ride
55. Sorg
56. Stjerneskud
57. Pasgang
58. Vi mødes igen

59. Solhvervssang

60. Ørkenhyrden

Ditte Menneskebarn
61. Spindevise

Melodien der blev væk
62. Sangen om Larsen

63. Lille Digter Skrøne

64. Aftensang

MOSES, Op. 76 ©
Moses, God´s Prophet, and a continuous soprano part are in Herman D. Koppel´s oratorio the hearts, around which the whole work gathers: in them the interior of the work is reflected, in them the elements of the work are distinguished.

With Moses Herman D. Koppel has found a character, who is so humanly immense, that he manages to accommodate all the possibilities offered by the oratorio´s other characters and its different situations; the musical substance and the dramatic consequence are so closely interwoven throughout, that the title role similarly becomes its musical and dramatic center. And so that Moses may have the greatest possible human background in the work – before he is introduced – the first two sections of the oratorio create the foundation, upon which the figure can be built: The Creation of Man and Woman, the Fall and Exorcism from Paradise (man’s detachment from God), God’s Trial of Abraham (man’s pursuit of God). With this fundamental development Moses can act as God´s true representative to mankind, and in the oratorio he is then confronted partly with the conditions created by God on earth (the Israelites in the Desert, the Stone Tablets etc.), partly with situations created by man himself (the Golden Calf, Blessing and Punishment, Praise of God) – Moses has the ability to see and therefore also the gift of being able to judge, bless and punish.

Each of the work´s six sections concludes with a soprano solo, for the soprano soloist is the human being, who participates in the events around her with emotion; she perceives everything from human prerequisites and acts on the basis of human necessity. She is the person, who – in the words of Jean-Luc Godard – lives through ”tous les sentiments humains profonds possibles”: she loves (“Kiss me”), repents (“Lord, chastise me not”), cheers (“Hallelujah”); and just as the first part of the work ends with her remorse and anguish (“Let us search”) after the demonic dance of the Golden Calf, and after Moses has broken its power, the second part ends after the death of Moses with her Praise of the Lord: both Hell and Paradise exist in MOSES, and man plays a part in both of them. The soprano soloist gives Moses´ original divine truths a new human validity, and these two persons become the two components, that are inextricably linked in the context of the work.

Thus, the difference can be seen between MOSES and Koppel´s earlier work, from 1949, for choir and orchestra with Biblical texts, the THREE PSALMS OF DAVID, opus 48 (Vol. 4 in this series, ed.): whereas the Psalms of David were three different lyrical situations, MOSES has a wide variety of contexts – compositionally as well as dramatically; elements, which constantly shift in relation to each other, which spread out and retract over the same compositional components. And while MOSES is a work about two individuals (Moses, the soprano soloist) and the situations around them, at the same time the oratorio covers man´s possibilities towards each other – ways to choose. And so a world is being built up in MOSES, contemporary with our own being torn down.

RELEASE DATE: September 2023


EAN: 5709499573747